ja koulutus Oy

Jaana Kiviluote

Jaana Kiviluote

Edu­ca­tional Services

Emotional skills can be taught and learned!

Emo­tional skills affect how we interact with other people. They are therefore key life skills both in everyday life and in working life. Emo­tional skills refer to identi­fying, naming, expressing, and reg­u­lating emo­tions. The emo­tional com­petence of a child or adolescent impacts them throughout their lives. Strength­ening and sup­porting emo­tional skills can therefore be a pro­tective factor, e.g. in terms of pre­venting risky beha­viour and marginalisation.

Doctor of Edu­cation and special edu­cation teacher Jaana Kiviluote’s unique ‘Handling Feelings and Beha­viour’ teaching materials are based on research and prac­tical exper­ience, and are designed to facil­itate and support edu­cation and ped­agogy pro­fes­sionals in their daily work. 

Opettajan käsikirja

Teaching materials for developing emotional and interaction skills

Using the ‘Handling Feelings and Beha­viour’ teaching materials pro­duced and pub­lished by JK Pub­lishing and Edu­cation Ltd, you can reg­u­larly and con­sist­ently support the socio-emo­tional devel­opment of children/​students, teach them anti-violence atti­tudes, and help them find strengths in them­selves and others. The teaching materials are motiv­ating, engaging, and useful for stu­dents. Numerous teachers across Finland have found the teaching materials to be bene­ficial and practical.

Training for pedagogical and educational teaching staff as well as student welfare professionals

On this website you can famil­i­arise yourself with the diverse training created by Jaana Kiviluote. The teaching of emo­tional skills is based on the Steps of Aggression teaching pro­gramme, which is sup­ported by the latest sci­entific research. The training on ‘Chal­lenging situ­ations in school / early childhood edu­cation – how to act?’ emphasises the importance of the work envir­onment of the school com­munity in dealing with everyday situ­ations in a prac­tical way. The training can be tailored to the customer’s wishes. For example, you can arrange a lecture or a few hours, a full day, or two full days of training on the topic.


Student testimonials on the emotional skills lessons (translated from original testimonials given in Finnish)

+358 404 103 364